Slate Settings
Assigning a Tablet Editor
Assigning a Tablet editor will allow you to: allow visitors to sign up for alerts when content changes, allow a co worker or volunteer to edit a Tablet, and allow students to edit and maintain pages.
Allowing Visitors to contact you via the built in Tablet conact form
Allowing visitors to contact you with the Tblet contact system means you will receive secure messages from the visitor without revealing your email address. » read more...
Alerting Visitors to changes of your Tablet
As a Slate Editor, you may want to alert your visitors that content on your pages has changed, but first you must set up your page to accept subscribers. Once visitors have subscribed to your Tablet, you will be able to alert them of changes as desired. When visitors are notified of changes they receive an email with a link directing them back to your Tablet. » read more...
How Visitors subscribe to be notified when your content changes.
Visitors to your tablet have the option of subscribing to it, which means that they will receive an email notification when you make changes to your tablet and alert your subscribers of that change. » read more...
Managing you Tablet subscribers
Once you have some subscribers to your Tablet, you can view and/or delete subscribers. » read more...
Show Author Name
If checked, displays your name, or the name of the assigned Slate or Tablet editor associated with the page.
Category and Keywords
Categories are edited directly on the specific Tablet, just under the Author name. Categories simply provide an additional level of organization and reference for you and your visitors. » read more...
When checked, any content entered into the summary field for a specific Tablet will be displayed along with the title of the tablet on the home page as well as above the main content area on the Tablet. The Tablets in this Help section for example, have summaries enabled. » read more...
Show Date and Time
If checked, displays the date on the Tablet and the Home Page, that the Tablet was created or last modified. » read more...