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Page Settings & Search Engine Optimization (SEO)   
Page Settings, Alias's, Titles, Keywords and Descriptions
Page Settings, AliasSummary: When logged in and editing any page, click the "settings" link at the top of the page. Use the following as a guide for entering the information into the respective settings for each page on your website.
Use Page Settings to enter keywords, titles and descriptions of your pages

When logged in and editing any page, click the "settings"
Screen_Shot_2016_11_14_at_2.19.44_PM.png  link at the top of each page
Use the following as a guide for entering the information into the respective settings for each page on your website.

Page Alias

You want this to be as short, succinct yet descriptive as possible. Alias's are picked up and indexed by search engines. The alias should be lower case and should not contain Caps, numbers, spaces or special characters with the exception of the - (dash) symbol. As a rule of thumb, try to limit your alias's to no more than 4 words, and do not change them once they have been set. (**changing them within a few minutes or even the same day is generally not an issue, changing them once they have been established and indexed by search engines can create some search issues)

Acceptable Examples:
  • about
  • about-us
  • about-wildfireweb
  • about-web-design
  • sonoma-web-designers-programmers

If there is already an alias in this field, be careful, changing it may break other links you have created using the previous alias. Think carefully about where you might have created links to a page before changing an existing alias.

Page Title
Create a page Title for every page. It is better to have "Alexandra's Plaza Suite Vacation Rentals, Room Rates and Prices" than it is to have simply "rates" as the title. This is the opposite of the alias. The Title is what is displayed at the top of the users browser window when visiting a page. It should be as descriptive as possible. Search engines may place some significant relevance on page titles.

If using the Rates page as an example, you might have: sonoma, rental, vacation, rate, room, price (in many instances, it is better to have part of the word than it is to have all of the vs rooms)
Keywords on the Home page might be completely different: vacation, sonoma, valley, moon, room, bed, breakfast, activities, square, plaza

How are people who you want to find you...searching? Those are the words.

This is the description you want to show up in the Google listing for the page that someone found when they searched for you. They should be different for every page in your site. The description is another key place where you want to incorporate keywords. If you can sum up in two sentences, your business, using every keyword someone might use to search for you, it probably helps.