Removing Slates and Tablets from Pages > Resetting a page from Slates to a Standard page
Resetting a page from Slates to a Standard page
Summary: The format of the pages in several sections of the website, including the Program and Teachers sections, is automatically set to to use Slates and Tablets when new pages are created. It is possible to convert these pages back to standard single web pages without Slates if desired.
1) When logged in and editing, Click "Add a Program"Picture_6.png

2) Click "Ok" in the pop up confirmation window

3) Your new page should look like this, with Slates already configured


4) From the links to the right of the page, select *"Delete All Tablets"


The page will be cleared, reset to a standard page and is ready to use.

5)  Click the Edit button to edit the content of this page

*Warning: If you have already added content to any Tablets on the page, the content will be completely cleared when you "Delete All Tablets". You can not undo this operation.