Video Tutorials
Using RSS Feeds on Your Website   
How to add an RSS feed to your WildFireWeb website.
1)  In order to add a feed to your website, you must first find a row of buttons that includes a feed button.

This row of button can be found on a page that does not have any other information on it, or on a newly created tablet inside of a slate.

2)  Next, find the feed that you want to add.  Where do you find RSS feeds?  Check these sites:

3)  Either specify the subject of interest in a search or choose a prescribed feed.

On Google, the search might look like this:


4)  When searching for a feed, look for the initials RSS or the symbol Picture_4.png

5)  Click on the feed button and then copy the URL address from your browser bar.

6)  Go back to your WebSchoolPro site, click on the Feed button and paste the URL into the dialog box.

7)  Voila!  Enjoy your feed.