Linking to Files 

Once you have successfully uploaded your files using the File Manager, you can add links to the those files from any area or page of your website.

To place a link to an uploaded file on the page.

Open the content area where you wish to place the link to the file and place your cursor on the page.

Click the File Manager Picture 3_1.png icon in the Editor toolbar

Navigate to the correct file and click once on the file name to select it

Picture 4_1.png

4) Click the OK button

This places a link to the file in the content area where you placed your curser.

/home/help/manual/helpv3.pdf helpv3.pdf  10.58 MB  11/19/2007 13:54

You can select the file name and change the text or formatting using the editor toolbar. You will notice that the Editor automatically date, time and size stamps the file, you may choose to keep or remove this information as desired.